Friday, September 17, 2010

Staying Put

It's done. The dream is dead. So much time...literally days have gone into making this purchase happen - for months its consumed us. Late Tuesday afternoon it ended. We made the offer on our dream house on September 3rd. They accepted on September 4th. We had until September 14th to remove our subjects. September 13th we knew we weren't going to make it in time - we just simply weren't getting the answers we needed. So early on the morning of the 14th we asked for an extension. By noon they had agreed to give us until September 20th. By 5:00 (and several beers later) we knew in our hearts that it wasn't meant to be. Without getting into the details, it's confusing and sad all at the same time. If someone ever gets the house, it will be beautiful and a sight to see. That we didn't get it - It's also a little bit of a relief. We are fine to stay in our house. We love our house and the little home we have made it into. We will stay happily put right here.
If you would like to see the house click here.


  1. can I send you an e mail?

    digthischick at gmail dot com

  2. Amy,
    Just read your post over at Dig's blog and thought I would come over and say hello. Your daughter is beautiful! I like the way you express yourself and I will be over to visit more often! :) Malissa from Idaho.

  3. Thanks Malissa! Glad you like it!
