Monday, August 30, 2010

The Party

I loved planning the party. I thought of the theme months ago and spent many a day looking through the party section at every grocery store and dollar store and bargain shop for anything fish, beach and underwater related. My girl was getting a fishy party. Not too baby-ish, not too girly (because there was of course going to be boys at this party), and certainly not hard to find fish related stuff.
We had SO much fun. Maizey didn't notice that Ang and I spent a looonnnggg time the morning of the party cutting fish out of the blue table cloth to lay over the yellow one so it would look like yellow fish on the table shining through the blue water.

She really has no idea that her favorite snack went perfectly with the theme of the party, all she knew was that she got to eat the goldfish crackers by the handful yesterday! She didn't realize that while she napped at the perfect time yesterday her mom and dad were carefully placing close to a hundred little m and m's on a fish shaped chocolate cake with a marshmallow eye and yellow icing (which I OF COURSE didn't get a picture of... so sad). She was just happy to have her friends over.

 Even when it got cold and rainy our guests were troopers....

Eventually it got the best of us and we moved inside for cake...

Missy timidly tasted her cake... but she eventually dove in. She ate two pieces!

Three outfits later, we opened gifts and she got spoiled! She played with her new toys after everyone left and today we put some of her new clothes on her! She looks so grown up in size one clothes! Heh.
It was a great day for us and it was just so wonderful watching her be loved by everyone! We are so lucky to have such a great group of friends with little friends for Missy. She loves playing with them and I love watching it!
So, our first party under our belts! I am already starting to think of a theme for next year! I can't wait to see what happens.... 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like it was a great party. You did an excellent job! I can not believe how blue her eyes are in that cake eating picture and how big she is now.
