Maizey: Jace, what the hell are you doing, for goodness sake? Wait, Mom, am I allowed to say for goodness sake?
Oh, the sometimes totally inappropriate things that go on around here.
Also, the sometimes totally awesome things.
And, the sometimes totally sucky things.
I swear to Lucifer that there have not been five seconds of silence in our these last few days. From the time Maizey wakes up
(Merrrryyy Chrisssttmas Mama, how was your sleep?) until the second she falls asleep
(I neeeeeeed someone to sleep with me until I go to sleep. I'm scared!! It's too cold. I'm too hot in my p.j's............................), she does not stop talking. Oh my god.
Jace lost Maizeys mitt (which he was wearing) on a walk the other day so we went to buy some new ones and as we were getting in the truck to come home, Jace already strapped in his seat, Maizey suddenly had to pee
so freaking bad. As in, right that second, so she pulled her pants down, you know to pee hidden between the truck door and the truck. Naturally. It was only -10. Wouldn't you know it, I didn't hold her well enough, and she peed on her pants. Naturally. It was a cold ride home for me, since I was the one with no coat on, since she obvs needed a blanket to cover her bare legs.
Ok Maizey, your three minutes are up. Bed time.
No Mom, I need three, three minutes.
Jace can say Maizey. So effing cute. May-May, thats how he says it. Consequently, we have all started calling her that.
My three favorite words of Maizeys right now, that I am going to miss SO much when she stops saying them; bresfit (breakfast) efelant (elephant) and ooze (use) .
We are really good about keeping the little lock thingy done up on the cupboards under the sink, but I swear, Jace is watching to see the times we leave it open. I found him attempting to eat one of those little soap packets for the dishwasher. Twice.
Maizey is currently obsessed with the color of jam that we are eating. Every morning
Mom, are we done the purple colored jam yet? can we open the peach colored one now? I don't want peach color anymore, lets open the red one.
One (or two) of my kids eats snow like it's the last thing they will ever be given. She even licks it off the steps.
I started a photography course this week. My photos went from being hideously wrongly exposed to much much closer to properly exposed in just one short day. There is a glimmer of hope.
I won't tell you how many bottles of wine have been drank in this house in the last week, but I will say it rhymes with hive.
I think it's okay if you just throw my playdoh in the garbage because I don't want to pick it up and it's just okay if I don't have it anymore. (oh my god, I just have to say how much I hate when my plan backfires and she calls my bluff) (the playdoh is still around, and yes, she did pick it up.).
In the time Maizey ate two pieces of toast, Jace ate: an orange, a kiwi, two pieces of toast, two scrambled eggs and a handful of blueberries. I fear for our grocery bill.
Jace finds his electric toothbrush hilarious. Actually, everythig about having his teeth brushed he finds hilarious.
For whatever reason, this past week felt long. Very long. We all needed out of the house. I know it's still way to early to be wishing for Spring, but oh my, I am wishing for Spring something fierce. Maybe it's the lack of new snow and constant gray....
We'll get there...