Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blogging?? who knew...

I would just like to thank my dear sister-in-law for introducing me to the world of blogging. See, she started one when pregnant with my niece and I have been checking it daily since I found out! I love watching the videos of Jaya and reading what crazy antics she got up to that day. It makes me feel like I am there with them, rather than hours away! I hope this blog will have the same effect on them!

So... after months of being a self-proclaimed "blog-stalker" I decided maybe I should try my hand at one of my own. The idea of being part of the blogging community is exciting and fun and totally out of the norm for me! I read peoples blogs where they talk about great, profound things, and others that talk about nothing at all... I laugh, I cry, I stare in shock, I put my life in perspective and I love every minute of it. I am excited to try and have the same effect on my loyal readers! If nothing else, I hope people find some humor in my crazy, chaotic life.


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