Monday, April 25, 2011

A Non Bunny-ish Easter

Easter came and went.
We aren't big on this holiday for some reason.
So little in fact, that the Easter Bunny forgot to come to our house ALL day yesterday. Finally made an appearance at 10:00 this morning. And to be honest, Maizey couldn't have cared less, she was most interested in the Easter grass crap that goes on the bottom of the basket and that can now be found all over the house, sticking to my feet.
Next year, I swear there will be an Easter egg hunt with those silly little plastic eggs filled with jelly beans and stickers. Swear.
What we are big on is afternoons at the flats. Brian's even got Maizey saying "welve mile" (twelve mile for non-Revelstokians, Brians favorite place to fish and my favorite place to sit in the sun and read).


 It was the nicest Easter weekend in Revelstoke history, I'm sure. Temp's nearing +20 yesterday. So, after a 4 hour afternoon nap (ahem*Maizey*ahem) we packed up the lawn chairs and fishing rod (I would say rodS, but Brian is the only one with one, so he has to share. Let me tell you, he is not a big fan of sharing with me.), and headed out with snacks.
I like how when we arrive at the water we are in anticipation of something... catching a fish, running into people, getting stuck on the way there (ok, that's just me), will it be cold, will it be windy, will it be hot, will someone be in our spot? But as soon as we get out, and Brian throws his first cast and I feel the sand in my toes and breathe in the calm of the whole place, none of that matters.


Brian fishes, knowing full well that with the way Maizey and I are throwing rocks in, he probably isn't going to catch anything. But he fishes anyways.





He bends down and attempts to teach Missy to fish, but she's more interested in stopping his hand from spinning the reel . He reminds me again and again to pleeeease hold on better in case I "actually do catch a fish" that the rod doesn't go flying into the water with the yank of the fish. He knows there will be plenty of days where it will be just him out there getting some serious fishing in (ha), so he doesn't worry. He shows Maizey the rock he's going to skip before he does it almost every time. He kicks my ass at skipping rocks, seriously, the guys got skills.
I like how when we leave, I'm am just happy we went.



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